Online Dating Scripts
By admin on Jul 01 2021

Congratulations, you have got yourself the best PHP dating script in the market. But, it is not yet the time to rejoice, as a lot can be done to improve the functionality of your script and maximize its potential.
Have a look at some of the expert tips and tricks to set your dating software rolling…
A – Is it SEO-friendly?
Nowadays, ranking higher in the Google search index means better enrichment and generating more leads. Therefore to land your business at the top you must make sure that the best dating website script is also search engine optimized.
Having a search engine optimized friendly script at your side is a bonus as it can drive organic traffic towards your website. It also has the potential to convert potential users into customers.
B – Ensure the script is mobile responsive
Considering the tremendous popularity of the smartphone market more than 50% of the total users will belong to the younger generation. To cater to the growing mass, your business must adapt to the latest market trends.
One such move is to make sure that the best dating script is mobile optimized as well. Once you get that done, your matchmaking software can hit even the farthest corner of the globe!
C – Is the script future-proof?
The matchmaking industry is constantly evolving and in this cut-throat competition market, you need to keep your business afloat at any cost!
For that, you must rely only on a PHP dating script from us to stand out from the rest. We develop our scripts under the Codeigniter PHP framework making it virtually impenetrable and efficient. Furthermore, it also makes the Cupid clone script scalable enough to hail it as future proof.
D – The script must contain all the latest features and functionalities
No matter how good a script claims to be it boils down to the features that will make the difference. Some of the leading features that have the potential to lure more customers are mentioned below:
- 100% customizable script
- Excellent web design and interface
- Mobile responsiveness from database normalization
- User-friendly dashboard
- Feature-packed admin panel
- 100% derived from open source code
- Save and share search options
- An easy profile building process
- Social media integration and profile verification
- Real-time chatting option with all the latest tech
All of these make the best dating website script earn its reputation!
When you talk about maximizing the potential of the match-making software, it also includes the level of services provided by the vendor. We hold customer satisfaction to the highest level, and have introduced services like –
- Free installation of script
- Offering one full year of free technical support and website maintenance
- 24/7 technical advice
Apart from that we also provide our customers with a FREE DEMO tour of our best dating script. If you are interested in wine we also provide a FREE estimate!
E – Unique attributes that will put your platform ahead of the others
Our dating software is the perfect platform for a businessman like you to start a profitable venture. Some of the unique attributes are listed below:
- Show interest
- Show and save favorites
- Private end to end encrypted messaging
- Premium membership option
- Social media registration (like Facebook)
- Find matches near your locality
- Search matches beyond the geographical barrier
- Multi-language and location support
- Third-party support for plugins and add-ons
- Advanced update matches
- Post trips anytime, anywhere
These are only to name a few of the compelling reasons why our PHP dating script is in such high demand.
F – Make sure to focus on the security
No matter how efficient dating software is, it is bound to get infected by ransomware or malware attacks unless it has a robust security framework!
We have to make sure that our users will benefit from the following:
- 100% bugless and error-free script
- Spam email protection via captcha verification
- Safe and secure chat support via the internal private messaging channel
- 100% protection from SQL inject, malware attacks, and phishing
- Fixing lags, the page crashes and freezes routinely by our software tester team.
A PHP dating script must tick all of these pointers to boost its efficiency by a significant margin!
By now you are well aware of the tips and tricks that you can employ for maximizing the potential of a dating clone PHP script. Keep this information handy if you're looking for being your own BOSS in this market.
And most importantly, always compare the different scripts available in the market, and then make an informed decision. Do not fall for cheap dating clones. Instead, look for a good value for money offering.